
작성일 : 23-10-04 11:19
IBB Partner Updates
 글쓴이 : KBSO관리…
조회 : 6,728  


다음과 같이 IBB사무국으로부터 공지사항 안내가 와서 공유합니다.
Dear National Brain Bee Coordinators,

Please help us advertise the Brain Bee Bootcamp,a collaboration between IYNA and the IBB, which aims to provide equitable resources to all students around the world in preparing for the Brain Bee competitions. The Bootcamp will take place between Saturday, November 18, and Sunday, December 17. I have attached a flyer outlining the times and details of the event. Please forward the information below to your former and future participants, as well as your local Brain Bees, to help advertise the Bootcamp. The registration deadline is October 14.

Best regards,